Being Present

We are here together to help motivate and inspire each other to move, create healthy habits, and thrive during a time when being healthful and connecting with a like-minded community matters most. 

Let’s continue to grow and engage in things that motivate our overall life experience. Something worth engaging in is being present and living in the moment. You can do this while you move, eat, work, play, think, talk, listen, sleep, rest, explore, etc. - I promise, it will have a tremendous influence on your life. 

Being present is an ongoing, dedicated practice. It takes intention and can be cultivated over time. But it's an easy practice and worth investing in. I encourage you to sit quietly for 10 to 20+ minutes, each and every day, and invite the present moment into your life. Take the time to explore life on a deeper and meaningful level; Embrace what truth has to teach you, swallow your fears, befriend your inner voice, expand, be curious, ask questions (lots of them), and listen... You can get very creative with your approach. The options are limitless! 

Taking the time to explore life on a deeper level will lead you to humbling moments. I’ve been exploring meditation since my early 20's and I am honored for what it gives me. My daily practice offers a flow of energy that keeps me grounded. It also brings me peace, keeps me in-tune with my body, thoughts, and the moment. 

If you’re looking for ways to connect with the present moment, you can start now. You don’t have to sit quietly or be in a meditative environment. This is something you can pursue every moment of your life. Try it for yourself. Simply state, “I welcome the present moment into my life", take a conscious, deep breath, and observe. The shift occurs when you welcome the now into your awareness. This is pure gratification, rather than investing energy into the overuse of your phone, unnecessary inner dialog, etc. Being present is free and it provides access to something well beyond your head. Try setting your phone alarm every waking hour for the next week as a gentle reminder to be present. Write in the setting label, "I welcome the present moment into my life".  When the alarm rings, acknowledge and invite the present moment into your life. Press the snooze button every now and then. See how it can help you. After a week, reflect on how being present has influenced you and participate with hourly gentle reminders until it becomes a natural practice. This is a great way to bring meaning and consciousness into your actions and thoughts. If you don’t, you may never know what it has to offer. 

Meditation and presence basically rewires your brain and frees you from unnecessary doing, chatter, and judgments...It allows you to co-exist with life, and cope with stress, anxiety, or other negative feelings.  It’s very comforting and rejuvenating. Who doesn’t need or want that? 

Overall, we are powerful and fascinating beings. Our thoughts and actions play a significant role in our lives. We’re experiencing that right now with this pandemic. What we focus on expands. It’s a proven fact. So let's focus on bringing balance into our lives and shift to levels of awareness that truly support the evolution of our overall well-being. 

Let’s embrace this time. It’s a transformative and rare moment. Our world as a collective is free of the daily grind. We’re forced to rethink and think differently. My heart aches for those who are or have suffered a loss. We have so many questions and concerns. In combination with all the suffering, there's a lot of beauty taking place.  We’re forced to slow down and focus on the things that matter most; Some of these things include the value of cleanliness, gratitude, compassion, awareness, and health. What are the things that matter most to you? How much energy do you give to the present moment? Let’s focus on bringing harmony into our lives, prepare to come out of this wiser and celebrate life like never before.

I hope you enjoy the phone experiment above. We can refer to it as the “AGT” (All Good Things), experiment. 

And for those of you who already have a practice, beautiful! Please share your experiences and recommendations with us. Again, we’re all in this together and here to inspire each other. Your message could help change lives… 

Well Wishes to you and your families, 

Joelle, Co-Founder of Renaissance Pilates+ Wellness

Joelle Buccellato