For now, it’s a VIRTUAL Pilates Revolution!

A revolution is defined as a sudden, complete or marked change in something. When we talk about a Pilates Revolution, we are talking about a complete change in you! We have seen clients completely transform their bodies, minds, and wellness through the practice of Pilates. You may be wondering, what exactly is Pilates, and how can it help me? 

Pilates is an exercise method designed to condition and connect body and mind, correct muscle imbalances, improve posture, and tone the muscles of the entire body. Through a combination of strengthening, stretching, breathing, and technique Pilates can completely firm the abdominal wall and realign the spine back to its neutral posture. Pilates can increase your core strength, flexibility, muscle tone, posture, and range of motion. In addition, other wellness benefits include increased metabolism, elevated mood, cognitive health, and longevity. All the things our mind and body crave during stressful living environments.

At Renaissance Pilates & Renaissance Pilates + Wellness, we are currently offering 20+ classes and instruction in Pilates and other fitness concepts for everyone at every fitness level on a LIVE ZOOM platform.  Because you will not be bouncing, jarring, or stressing your body, it is perfect for anyone to practice at home, including those who suffer joint pain or muscle weakness. We are temporarily not offering virtual classes on apparatus-based equipment, but we are specializing in floor work for all levels of fitness from beginner to athlete, including a 2-week Virtual Pilates Beginner workshop beginning the week of 4/1. You may be surprised by this fact, but more than 10 million Americans, from professional athletes to active adults, practice Pilates daily! Will you become one of them? 

Things to look forward to when the studio returns to normal business hours: 

If you choose a Pilates class that is apparatus conditioning you will be working out on our state-of-the-art 8 V2 Max Plus Reformers, which are the most diverse apparatus on the market. These are considered the “Cadillac” of the Reformer Pilates apparatus and offer limitless exercise possibilities. We teach the fitness novice the basic Pilates principles and practice essential exercises to help build proper core strength and flexibility. Our intermediate classes (AKA Essential) include the use of the spring coil and retractable rope system, as well as all pieces of apparatus including the reformer, tower, and chair. We emphasize anatomical principles, proper technique, breath and abdominal engagement. For the athletic level we offer a more advanced level sports conditioning and functional movement with the inclusion of sport specific props like a Bosu, stability ball, wall band, kettle bell, resistance rings, as well as several others. All of our Pilates Apparatus classes accommodate up to eight students. Our CROSS + CORE floor conditioning classes accommodate up to 12 students and emphasize overall strength and balance using various props with a focus on anatomical principles, proper technique, breath, and abdominal engagement. 

Pilates is one of the most transformative forms of exercise you can choose. Everyone can achieve optimal results through Pilates, whether floor or apparatus is being practiced.  If you are ready to join our Pilates Revolution, it’s time to schedule a class.

Danielle Buccellato