The Cryo Effect: The Who, What, and Why of Cryotherapy


One of the latest scientific-backed trends in health and wellness is Cryotherapy. You’ve probably been hearing a lot about this revolutionary technique, as well as seeing a lot of videos on social media of people entering the Cryosauna for a variety of health benefits. The questions you may have about who it can help, what it is, and why you should give it a try are all the same questions we get from our Cryo clients every day. We’re here to offer you the answers on the Cryo effect, the who, what and why of Cryotherapy!

At Renaissance Pilates + Wellness, we offer three different Cryotherapies to our clients. In our opinion, anyone who is looking to accelerate weight loss, reduce inflammation, reduce stubborn fat, increase metabolism, detoxify, increase workout performance, sleep better…the list goes on and on… should take advantage of the benefits of Cryotherapy. So, what exactly is it?


One of our Cryotherapies is called Cryoskin. This is great for anyone who is healthy overall, but has stubborn areas that diet and exercise just can’t seem to eliminate. By adding Cryoskin to their overall nutrition and exercise regimens, we have had clients increase results with reducing fat pockets and cellulite. This non-invasive treatment is painless, effective, and can be accomplished during your lunch hour! It’s a 28-minute treatment that uses thermoelectric cooling to freeze fat, causing the cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without damaging the skin above. The destroyed cells pass naturally through your lymphatic system, leaving you with a noticeably toner body. Cryoskin can be targeted to your body’s problem areas, such as the abdomen, love handles, and thighs. We recommend one session per week for up to five weeks, with maintenance treatments every three to four months for continuous and optimal results.


The most advanced non-invasive treatment for toning the face, neck, and décolleté is our Cryoskin facial. This procedure is much different than commercially advertised “cryo facials” where cold air is blown on your face. Our 20 minute Cryoskin facial uses the Cryoskin wand to increase collagen production. This helps diminish fine lines, wrinkles, improve your overall complexion, and reduce pore size. Cryoskin facial can even help reduce a double chin. It is being hailed as the most effective non-surgical immediate facelift available! Combined with a healthy diet and plenty of water, our clients have seen fantastic results with our Cryofacial.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

We cannot say enough about our whole-body Cryotherapy and the health benefits our clients experience overall as a result of this therapy. You will enter the open-topped cryosauna where the liquid nitrogen cooled air will be between -166 to -220 degrees. Many of our clients feel refreshed by this painless submersion.  With just three minutes per session you will:

  •      burn between 300 & 500 calories

  •       increase metabolic rate

  •       promote weight loss

  •       reduce inflammation through your body

  •      decrease fatigue

  •      ease muscle & joint pain

  •       accelerate recovery from workouts

  •      oxygenate the blood and circulation

  •      reduce the progression of autoimmune disorders

  •      experience better sleep

  •      minimize signs of aging

  •      tone skin & help with skin ailments

  •      improve mood & overall sense of well-being

  •      increase energy

  •      boost immune system

  •      release endorphins for a competitive edge and faster recovery from sports and training

  •      boost testosterone levels

  •      increase libido

  •      eliminate hangovers

Whole body cryotherapy means you can train harder and recover faster. Our recommendation is to come in for 2-3 sessions per week for optimal results of full body cryotherapy.

As with any health and wellness plan, we would like to mention that there are protocols with regard to each service that are recommended to obtain the greatest benefits of Cryotherapy. If you have any questions, we recommend you give us a call at 732-444-1111 or contact us. If you’re ready to give Cryotherapy a try, we invite you to take a look at our services and take advantage of our special packages right here.

Danielle Buccellato